Cats are notably clean animals. This natural trait has served them well in the wild and outdoors and most domestic cats have retained this nature. It is expected that their environment as well has to be clean at all times. Kittens by nature pee and take a poop on sandy surfaces far from where they sleep, play and eat. In time, they will learn to use cat litter trays or boxes assuming they have no health or behavioural issues. Speaking of cat litter boxes, keeping a cat's litter box tidy is vital because it keeps the cat mentally and physically healthy. Though there are various types of cat litter, using the right one allows our cats to remain interested in using their litter boxes to answer the call of nature.
“Though there are various types of cat litter, using the right one allows our cats to remain interested in using their litter boxes to answer the call of nature.”
Why cat litter is important?
Since many cats especially the indoor type do not have access to soil, pet owners must always have the right cat litter on hand. Wrong cat litter purchased could lead to bigger problems and accidents and bad behaviour in using the litter box. Cat litter provides an ideal environment for pet cats to take care of business (together with the use of litter boxes), which is why having the right cat litter is essential for cat parents.
“Since many cats especially the indoor type do not have access to soil, it is necessary that pet owners must always have the right cat litter on hand. Wrong cat litter purchased could lead to bigger problems and may lead to accidents and bad behaviour when it comes to using the litter box as well.”
How do I know which type is suited for my cat?
Though there are many cat litter available in the market today which can be overwhelming for pet owners, below are the important points to consider when choosing the right cat litter for your furry friend.
- Small-sized particles
Cats like fine/smaller particle litters, they prefer the feel of the fine texture on their paws.
- Super-absorbent & Dust-free/Low Dust
- Non-tracking or Low-tracking
When choosing the right and the best cat litter for your feline pet, it shouldn’t be just all about price and absorbency, as you can see, several factors have to be considered when choosing. Consider what your cat likes, if something feels rough under their paws, they might refuse to use the litter box altogether. Never force them to use it; instead, find something that works for both of you.
“When choosing the right and the best cat litter for your feline pet, it shouldn’t be just all about price and absorbency, as you can see, several factors have to be considered when choosing. Consider what your cat likes, if something feels rough under their paws, they might refuse to use the litter box altogether.”
Cats like to stick to routines, introducing a new litter box or cat litter may take time and even additional toilet training. Just give them time to adjust, in cases where the cat still refuses to use the litter box, talk to your vet about this. There’s a possibility that your cat may have an underlying condition that prevents it from using the litter box. Whatever cat litter you choose, scooping and cleaning the cat litter box once a day greatly helps, your cat will be the happiest too.